The entire congregation attends the general funeral prayers. These prayers are done on this particular day because the church does not perform funeral rites for any of its members during the Holy Week, because we focus all our attention and prayers on the sufferings of Christ.

  1. After the conclusion of the Palm Sunday liturgy, and after all the Holy Communion is distributed, the priest(s) closes the veil of the sanctuary.
  2. The church is draped with black veils, befitting of the Holy Pascha Week.
  3. The prophecy is read.
  4. The priest begins the Lord’s Prayer and the Thanksgiving Prayer.
  5. The priest raises incense while the congregation chants the verses of the cymbals for the funeral service “Kirie Eleyson, Neknai o Panouti”.
  6. The congregation recites Psalm 50 – Have mercy upon me O God …
  7. The congregation responds with “Alleluia” then “Zoxi Otheos Eemon”.
  8. The litany of the sick is prayed
  9. The congregation respond with “Kata ehoo nem kata egorh, Alleluia” then “Zoxa Patri…”.
  10. The priest prays the special prayers from the Psalms, and the congregation responds with “Alleluia” after each verse.
  11. The congregation chants “Tenouosht emmok…” then the introduction to the Pauline Epistle is chanted in the Paschal tune, “Ethve Ti-anastasis”. The Pauline Epistle is then read in Arabic/English.
  12. The Trisagion is chanted in the Paschal tune with the verse “O-estavrotis di mas” repeated three times.
  13. The Litany of the Gospel is prayed.
  14. The Psalm is chanted in the Paschal tune, followed by “Ke Eperto”.
  15. The Gospel is chanted in Coptic, then translated in Arabic/English.
  16. The priest prays the three great litanies.
  17. The congregation then recites the Creed.
  18. The priest prays the Litany of the Departed.
  19. The Lord’s Prayer is recited, followed by “Khen pekristos Isos Penchois” and “Bow down your heads…” etc.
  20. The priest prays the absolutions.
  21. The priest raises his cross and chants “Evnoti Nai Nan” in the Paschal tune.
  22. The congregation responds with “Kirie Eleyson” twelve times (three on each side, North then South) then the hymn of “Epouro” is chanted with six “Kirie Eleyson” between each verse in the Paschal tune.
  23. The Concluding Hymn is chanted with the Holy Pascha response, whilst the priest sprays the water.
  24. The priest concludes the service with the benediction of the Holy Pascha week and permits the people to depart in peace.


Updated 28/04/2024