1. The congregation sings the hymn of the Blessing “Tenouosht Emefiot” while the priest and deacons put on their service vestments. The Liturgy of the Waters is prayed in the third section of the Church.
2. The priest begins with the Thanksgiving Prayer.
3. The deacons chant the verses of the cymbals in the standard tune, and conclude with the verses for the Feasts of the Lord “Isos Pekhristos Insaf nem fouo” and “Epouro…”.
4. The congregation recites Psalm 50 “Have mercy upon me O God…”
5. The congregation responds with “Alleluia” then “Zoxi Otheos Eemon”.
6. The prophecies are read.
7. The homily is read.
8. The congregation chants “Tenouosht emmok…”
9. The Pauline Epistle is chanted in the standard tune, then read in Arabic/English.
10. The Trisagion is chanted in the standard tune with the verse “O-estavrotis di mas” repeated three times.
11. The Litany of the Gospel is prayed.
12. The Psalm is chanted in the standard tune, then translated in Arabic/English. While the reader reads the passage “He rose from supper, and laid aside His vestments, and took a towel and girded Himself …” the priest girds himself and pours water into the basin three times in the shape of the cross.
13. The priest raises his cross with three candles and chants “Evnoti Nai Nan”.
14. The congregation chants “Kirie Eleyson” ten times in the great tune.
15. The congregations chants the feast’s response to the Gospel in the standard tune.
16. The priest then prays the seven great litanies: the sick, travellers, seasons, leader, departed, oblations and catechumens.
17. The priest prays the litanies and the congregation responds with “Kirie Eleyson” after each verse.
18. The priest raises his cross with three candles while the congregation chants “Kirie Eleyson” one hundred times.
19. The priest prays the three great litanies (Peace, Fathers and Assemblies).
20. The Creed is recited until “…He was incarnate and became man” then continued with “Truly we believe in the Holy Spirit…”. And congregation chant the concluding verse of the creed.
21. The Adam Aspasmos for the feast may be chanted.
22. The priest continues with the prayers of the Liturgy of the Waters.
23. At the end of the prayers, the Lord’s Prayer is recited, followed by “Khen pekristos Isos Penchois” and “Bow down your heads…” etc.
24. The priest prays the first two absolutions only.
25. The deacon raises the cross and prays “Sotis Ameen…” / “Saved indeed…”
26. The priest makes the sign of the cross on the basin and water vessel three times while praying “Eflogitos Kirios …”
27. The congregation rise from their worship and chant “Yis o panagios pateer …”
28. The liturgy is concluded by Psalm 150 in the standard tune, while the priest washes everyone’s feet with the water.
29. The priest prays the “thanksgiving prayer after lakkan”
30. The homily of St John Chrysostom is read.
1. The lamb is presented without the Agpeya prayers of the hours.
2. “Kirie Eleyson” (41 times) is NOT chanted, but rather the lamb is examined in silence as Christ who was silent when tried before Pilate and did not open His mouth.
3. The hymn of “Alleluia Fai Pepi” is NOT chanted.
4. The hymn “Sotis Ameen” is NOT chanted.
5. The priest prays the absolution of the servants.
6. The hymn of the Intercessions is NOT chanted.
7. The priest raises the incense of the Pauline Epistle while the deacons chant “Tenouosht emmok…”
8. The Pauline is chanted in Coptic and read in Arabic/English.
9. The Catholic Epistle, Acts and Synaxarion are NOT read.
10. The Trisagion is chanted in the standard tune with the verse “O-estavrotis di mas” repeated three times.
11. The Psalm and Gospel may be chanted in Coptic in the standard tune. And Followed in Arabic/English.
12. The response of Gospel for the feast is chanted in the standard tune.
13. The priest prays the three great litanies (Peace, Fathers and Assemblies).
14. The Creed is recited until “…He was incarnate and became man” then continued with “Truly we believe in the Holy Spirit…”. And congregation chant the concluding verse of the creed.
15. The prayer of the Reconciliation is NOT prayed, because reconciliation of heaven and earth has not been fulfilled as of that time.
16. The Adam Aspasmos for the feast may be chanted.
17. The prayer from the Gregorian liturgy “You come to the slaughter as a lamb” is preferred over the Basilian liturgy prayer “He arose from the dead”.
18. The liturgy is continued as usual, WITHOUT praying the Congregation of Saints and the Departed.
19. The Fraction for Covenant Thursday (the slaying of Isaac) is prayed.
20. During the distribution of the Holy Communion, the veil of the sanctuary is closed and Psalm 150 is NOT chanted.
21. The prayer of the eleventh hour is prayed according to the rite of the Holy Pascha week.
22. After the Commentary, the Litanies are prayed without prostration because the congregation has taken Communion and not fasting.
23. The prayer is concluded as usual.
24. The Gospel of St Luke is read in its entirety, if not read earlier.